Riley County Genealogical Society
General Search
To begin your search:
  1. Click on the drop-down arrow(s) for "Location", "Subject", "Media Type" and/or "Collections".
  2. Click on a specific category in the drop-down list to further narrow your search. Tip: Click on "View Categories" for an optional display of the drop-down list.
  3. Notice the number of records in your search results. Use the scroll bar on the far right of your screen to scroll up and down the list. Click on "Next" or the next page number located in the lower right-hand corner to advance to the next display page, if applicable.
  4. Clear your search by clicking on broom.
"Search" Option
The "Search" option allows you 5 additional ways to search for an item. After selecting 1 option, type the partial or complete word that you want to search by.
  1. In the box on the left, click on "Search". Then, select 1 of the following: "Title", "Author", "Call Number", "County/Province" or "Surname".
  2. In the box on the right next to "For", type a partial or complete word. Example; "Search: Title  For: Railroad" (Or type "railr".)     
  3. Click on to display your search results.
  4. Clear your search by clicking on broom.
Print Option
Click on "PDF List" to print your search results.
Research & Copying Services
RCGS is a reference library only. Inter-library lending is not available. If you find an item of interest, you are welcome to visit our library.
If you are unable to visit the library in person, we do offer look-up and copying services. To place an order, visit our Personalized Research  page to make your request.